Message from Dean Lang
To: Liberal Arts Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Post DocsFrom: Clarence LangDate: March 30, 2020 Dear Colleagues: I hope that your week is off to a promising start. By now you are probably aware that on Saturday, Governor Tom Wolf extended his stay-at-home order to include Centre County. With a number of exceptions — including obtaining medicine […]
Message from the Dean
Date: March 23, 2020To: Liberal Arts Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Post DocsFrom: Clarence Lang Dear College Colleagues: I am happy to begin this week with a number of welcome updates, which I hope you will receive as positive news amidst a sea of change. Several of the items addressed below demonstrate the continued strength and vibrancy of shared faculty/administrative governance […]
Update from the Dean: Scammers continue to impersonate Dean Lang
To: Liberal Arts Faculty, Post Docs, Graduate Students, and StaffFrom: Clarence LangDate: March 20, 2020 Dear Colleagues: I am writing because I have received numerous reports that scammers are continuing to impersonate me in an effort to compel individuals to purchase gift cards. A new scam has been perpetrated this morning. I am grateful to […]
Message from Dean Lang
Date: March 20, 2020To: Liberal Arts Faculty, Post Docs, Graduate Students, and StaffFrom: Clarence Lang Dear Liberal Arts Faculty, Post Docs, Graduate Students, and Staff: As you may be aware, Governor Tom Wolf yesterday ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses to close their physical locations as of last night, with enforcement beginning at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow, March 21 and until […]
Message from Dean Lang for Faculty, Graduate Students, and Post Docs
Date: March 19, 2020To: Liberal Arts Faculty, Graduate Students, and Post DocsFrom: Clarence Lang Dear Liberal Arts Faculty, Graduate Students, and Post Docs: I know that you have all had an eventful week, but I hope that it has been a manageable one. Based on the feedback that I have received so far, it seems as though our college’s […]
Update from Dean Lang
Dear Liberal Arts Staff: I know that you have all had an eventful week, but I hope that it has been a manageable one. Based on the feedback that I have received so far, it seems as though our college’s rapid shift from in-person instruction to remote teaching has been largely successful, and the multiple difficulties we were expecting, thankfully, did […]
Faculty Guidance Document
GUIDANCE FOR FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORSMARCH 17, 2020*(11:49AM) Penn State is actively and carefully monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19. The guidelines below provide up-to-date advice to Penn State faculty and instructors regarding teaching. These guidelines will be regularly reviewed and updated as this situation unfolds. Please consult the Coronavirus Information FAQ for additional information about specific […]
Update from Dean Lang
Dear Liberal Arts Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Post Docs: I apologize for having to welcome you back from Spring Break under less-than-ideal circumstances. As you know, Penn State is responding to the COVID-19 national emergency by moving temporarily to remote teaching for faculty, remote learning for students, and telecommuting (as is appropriate and permissible) for […]