Additional Resources

Personal Safety Practices

Coronavirus in Pennsylvania

Remote Resources

Graduate and International Students

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Human Resources

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Environmental Health and Safety


  • For research questions, contact the Office for Research Protections at or 814-865-1775.

IT Resources

Penn State is continuously working to meet the technology needs of the University. To date, there have been 321 student requests fulfilled, with 250 laptops and 100 hotspots shipped. 

Student Loaner Program  

If you encounter a student who is having issues related to access to technology, several options exist. Please visit the Keep Learning website for information on how students can receive equipment for the fall 2020 semester.  

General Faculty and Staff Technology Needs 

For general technology needs, such as laptops, iPads, headphones, or monitors, faculty and staff should work with their local IT units. If your unit cannot meet the needs of your users, you can submit a request for laptops and hotspots via the IT Device Request form.  

iPad Instructor Loaner Program 

The supply of iPads within the Instructor Loaner Program has been exhausted. Faculty who filled out the Classroom Technology Survey have been directed to complete the Mobile Technology Request Form. For future needs, instructors are being asked to contact their local IT to fulfill any additional needs. Apple has recommended IT units who receive requests work with CDWG’s representative Robert Chlupsa,, to expedite the shipping of iPads due to supply chain issues. 

Penn State IT has done a preliminary review of residence halls and classrooms and has determined that nearly every location has adequate wireless capacity for anticipated usage levels, including large increases in the use of Zoom. Any issues that have been identified, such as wireless in newly configured buildings, have been addressed over the summer. 

Temporary Spaces 

Discussions about expanding wireless capabilities in temporary spaces, such as tents, are underway with OPP. Infrastructure is working with several groups across the commonwealth to assess the needs in these spaces.  

Parking Lots 

Designated campus parking lots across the commonwealth are being outfitted with wireless to support commuter students who need socially distant spaces between in-person instruction. 

Classrooms across the University are being configured to support both in-person and online teaching environments. Zoom-capable rooms will include cameras, microphones, and instructions on how to utilize the technology. The University is working through external supply chain constraints to provide cameras, microphones, and other technologies to enable Zoom-based instruction in classrooms / learning spaces.  Our goal is to achieve minimum Zoom viability in all learning spaces by the start of the Fall semester. 

Penn State computer labs will be reopening for the fall 2020 semester. Social distancing and enhanced cleaning and sanitation procedures will take place in accordance with CDC recommendations. It may be necessary to reduce computer availability and adjust hours of operation to accommodate social distancing and the necessary cleaning and disinfecting procedures. The University will monitor and evaluate cleaning protocols for these areas and adjust as needed.

WebLabs and WebApps 

Students and faculty can access University computer lab software remotely via WebLabs. Web applications are also available via WebApps.  More information about software availability can be found on the Keep Learning website.  

Technology support will remain a top priority as we transition into a hybrid model. The IT Service Desk provides troubleshooting and help with technical services, programs, and devices, and will be operating in the following way: 

  • ResCom and the Knowledge Commons Service Desk will be offering support via virtual face-to-face consultations. 
  • Additional support will also be offered in-person, by appointment only, if remote support options are not sufficient.  
  • The IT Service Desk can be accessed by phone at (814) 865-HELP (4357), emailing or online via 24-hour chat

ITLA is currently unable to accommodate headshot and photography services. For tips on taking your own headshot at home using a smartphone, please see our At-Home Headshot Guide.

Several resources are available for the most up-to-date information. For student support, please visit the Keep Learning and Connect to Tech websites. For faculty, visit the Keep Teaching webpage. For general information on the University’s plan, visit the Back to State and Virus Infowebsites.  

COVID Wellness

STRONG by Zumba combines bodyweight, cardio, muscle conditioning and plyometric training synced to music. Several at-home workout options are available on YouTube with no equipment needed. Options include 7-minute, 20-minute and 30-minute classes.

Planet Fitness, one of the country’s largest chain gyms, is offering free online classes. The daily workout, are 20 minutes and will not require any equipment. Available on YouTube and Facebook

CorePower Yoga is a popular yoga studio is offering free access to a selection of their online classes while they are closed to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Ergonomics Resources, provided by Penn State, includes resources for ergonomics in the workplace.

Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential employee and family resource to be used as a first line of defense for personal or work-related concerns for yourself or your family.

Find a relaxation or calming app that helps users during stressful times.

Working Remotely During COVID19 – Mental Health and Wellbeing while working remotely.

The Cincinnati Zoo is offering Home Safari Facebook Live each weekday at 3pm EDT where they highlight an amazing animals and include an activity you can do from home. Facebook: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden.

Talking to Children about COVID19.

Penn State Learning Resource Network has many online learnings available on a variety of topics.

Penn State LinkedIn Learning allows you to choose from a variety of learning options, including ebooks, certification trainings, and training plans you can customize based on your interests and development needs.

Penn State LinkedIn Learning – Telework provides training specific to Telework.

Create a team book club where you find a relevant professional development book, read, and discuss over the course of several weeks.

Sustainability at Penn State provides information on upcoming sustainability news, virtual meetings, and talks. You can subscribe to the Mainstream email list using the following link:

Employee Assistance Fund HR Policy 100 sets forth Penn State’s Employee Assistance Fund

TIAA – or log in directly through Workday or call (814) 278-5000

SERS – or General Phone Number (800) 633-5461.

Harvard Business Review is providing excellent articles on managing, supervising, and leading during this unprecedented time. This information can be viewed at the following link:

Penn State Learning Resource Network provides supervisory specific trainings.

LinkedIn Learning – Managing People at a Distance provides supervisory specific trainings related to supervising remote teams.  
