Mid-semester Message from Dean Lang
Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I realize that under “normal” circumstances, I’d be welcoming you back from spring break and wishing you well as we began the home stretch of the semester. But as we all know, this semester—or this past year, for that matter—have been anything but “normal.” It seems hard to believe that it […]
A Message from Dean Lang Re: Penn State Zoom-bombing Incidents
Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: By now, you are starkly aware of the number of “Zoom-bombing” incidents that have occurred in our Penn State community these past few weeks. Like many of you, I am disturbed not only by the targeting of black people and other underrepresented or marginalized groups, but also by what appears to be […]
A Message from Dean Lang Re: Return to Campus, Available Resources
Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I hope this message finds you well, and I trust that you are making the most of your spring semester so far. Allow me to extend a special “welcome back” to those of you who recently returned to campus or the greater State College community—I imagine you are settling in, and […]
A Message from Dean Lang Re: Recent “Zoom-bombing” Incidents
Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: Last week, I learned that a meeting being hosted by the Penn State Black Caucus during the Student Involvement Fair was hijacked by approximately fifty individuals who used it as an opportunity to racially harass and intimidate attendees. According to a message sent by President Barron to the Penn State community […]
A Message from Dean Clarence Lang
Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I hope that today’s federal holiday for Martin Luther King Jr. finds you reflective about the state of the nation. There’s no sugarcoating the fact the spring semester begins this week amidst a time of great strife in this country. We have witnessed a siege of the Capitol in Washington, D.C.—its […]
End-of-Semester Message/Well Wishes
Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I just wanted to take this opportunity to say “best of luck” as you begin finals week. I hope whatever exams you have scheduled go well, and I hope that you feel confident about your work on any final projects that you recently submitted or will be submitting. Just a few […]
A Message of Gratitude from Dean Lang
November 23, 2020 Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I hope this message finds you well, and I hope those of you traveling recently arrived at your destinations safely. With fall break upon us, I wanted to thank you for your resilience and perseverance under unique circumstances. While the fall semester and this past year have certainly been trying, your willingness […]
A Note from Liberal Arts Dean Clarence Lang
November 16, 2020 Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: As scheduled in-person instruction comes to an end this Friday, November 20, and we return to a remote learning environment for the remainder of the semester, we are reminding you to take action to protect your families before returning home. In preparation for your departure from campus, Penn State is offering all students […]
A Note from Liberal Arts Dean Clarence Lang
October 30, 2020 Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I hope this message finds you well as October quickly comes to a close. It seems hard to believe that we’re already two-thirds of the way through the fall semester and just a few weeks away from the November break. Even during a “normal” fall, I know many of you would be looking forward to the upcoming break as a chance to rest and rejuvenate before tackling end-of-semester projects and finals. I suspect that […]
A Message to Liberal Arts Students from Dean Clarence Lang
https://mailchi.mp/la.psu.edu/message-from-dean-lang-100620 October 6, 2020 Dear Liberal Arts Undergraduates: I hope you are doing well as we approach the midpoint of the fall semester. Although it has not been a “normal” semester by any stretch of the imagination, I am glad to see that we have settled into some sense of “routine.” Although quieter than your typical fall, it has nevertheless been comforting to see some activity on campus. I have […]