Drop-In Advising Form


(check back during the hours posted above to sign in)
Follow these steps to sign in for virtual drop-in advising:

1. Click on the link below during the hours listed above.

2. Sign in using the virtual kiosk, answer the questions, and explain what you want to discuss (please be specific but brief). 

3. Once you are signed in, you will need to watch your Penn State email for a notification email letting you know your adviser is ready to see you.

4. Click on the Zoom link provided in the email and log into the Zoom room immediately to meet with your adviser.

(Other students are likely also waiting to see an adviser, so you must be prompt. If you take more than three minutes to sign into Zoom after receiving the email, you will have to log into the remote kisk again and re-join at the back of the line.)

Click here to sign in: https://tinyurl.com/psychkiosk.

Complete the form below to sign in and speak with an adviser. Click on the green button that appears on the confirmation page to access the Zoom waiting room and wait in the Zoom room for the next available adviser.